åh vilken serie

Detta kan vara en utav mina allra bästa vänner ;) Jag älskar verkligen min Sex and the City box och den är så bra att ha hemma. Så fort det inte finns nåt på TV, när man vill skratta/gråta, när man har trist, när bloggmotivatione tryter så passar den perfekt. Jag kan knappt vänta tills den 21/6 då filmen kommer. Åh, jag hoppas Carrie och Mr Big gifter sig och att alla blir lyckliga. Men jag har hört rykten om att en huvudperson ska dö... Usch usch.
Ett utav mina favoritcitat ur serien:
"Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous."
Ett utav mina favoritcitat ur serien:
"Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous."
Postat av: Little Peaché
Den dvd boxen lär vara jorden bästa! alla kvinnor bör ha den hemma!
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